EVNT install notes for Oracle

You are probably wondering what is EVNT?

EVNT is an Oracle monitoring framework I wrote and have been using since 2002. My then boss encouraged me to devote few months of my time to automating all our monitoring needs. We analyzed our requirements, designed the framework and I wrote all the code in few months. In retrospect, this was the best time investment we’ve made — it’s still serving us well after all these years and numerous upgrades — we started with 8.1.7 and now are on 10gR2. Which brings me to why I started this post — I just wrote up EVNT install notes for

I also heavily use OEM — it’s good for lots of things and not so good for others. Ironically, I still don’t trust OEM for critical database up-time monitoring. And if you too, feel that OEM is missing in some areas I encourage you to give EVNT a shoot — DOWNLOAD: EVNT – Event Monitoring Framework for Oracle. EVNT is especially useful to those DBAs that rely heavily on sqlplus/shell scripts for database monitoring.

September 30, 2009

Posted In: Operations

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Exadata Version 2 – final blow to Oracle/HP relationship?

It took Oracle buying SUN to finally come out with something worthy this relationship — Exadata Version 2. Oracle has killed two birds with one stone capitalizing on their superior Oracle Enterprise Linux and SUN’s x64 hardware, once again proving that it’s bet is on OEL not Solaris.

The pricing model allows incremental growth using the following stages:

Basic System – $110,000
Quarter Rack – $350,000
Half Rack – $650,000
Full Rack – $1.15M

Exadata Version 2 Pricing

Key Internals are as follows (per Full RACK):
8 Sun Fire X4170 DB Nodes per RACK
14 Sun Fire X4275 Storage Nodes per RACK
Combo of multiple Sun Quad Data Rate (QDR) Datacenter InfiniBand Switches 36 capable of 40Gb/sec

Oracle/SUN claim that by using X4275 they were able to significantly simplify storage solution eliminating complex SAN architectures. Here’s a brief overview of the architecture – Sun Oracle Database Machine and Exadata Storage Server. And here’s the presentation Larry Ellison gave at The Sun Oracle Database Machine Announcement.

So is Exadata Version 2 a final blow to Oracle/HP relationship? Time will tell, all I can say is that we couldn’t be happier with our HP hardware running Oracle Application Servers, Oracle RAC and various middle-tier solutions on Oracle EL.

September 22, 2009

Posted In: Operations

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annoyance with Oracle Patch Set Update PSU 8576156

I was just applying PSU 8576156 on a installation under Solaris and I was surprised to learn that it requires you to provide your metalink username/email address and optionally password, under disguise of “to be informed of security issues“. Once you provide your email/password it immediately tries to validate the information by contacting oracle’s servers via HTTP — it doesn’t bother to check if you have a proxy it just goes out there and hangs for few minutes eventually failing to connect at which point you are asked if there’s an HTTP PROXY on your network. Only after failing to connect, you are finally given a chance to OPT-Out of this ridiculous practice of information gathering by specifying “NONE” in the “Proxy specification“:

box.SID-> /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/OPatch/opatch apply
Invoking OPatch

Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2009, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Oracle Home       : /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1
Central Inventory : /u01/app/oracle/oraInventory
   from           : /var/opt/oracle/oraInst.loc
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
OUI location      : /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/oui
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2009-09-21_17-12-50PM.log

Patch history file: /u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch_history.txt

ApplySession applying interim patch '8576156' to OH '/u01/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1'

Running prerequisite checks...
Provide your email address to be informed of security issues, install and
initiate Oracle Configuration Manager. Easier for you if you use your My
Oracle Support Email address/User Name.
Visit http://www.oracle.com/support/policies.html for details.
Email address/User Name: your.metalink-email@your-company.com
Password (optional):
Unable to establish a network connection to Oracle. If your systems require a
proxy server for outbound Internet connections, enter the proxy server details
in this format:
If you want to remain uninformed of critical security issues in your
configuration, enter NONE
Proxy specification: NONE

Enjoy the all new Patch Set Update!

September 21, 2009

Posted In: Operations

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Quick How-To on vncserver for Oracle DBA

I don’t normally use vncserver, I prefer SSH X11 tunneling/forwarding due to it’s inherited security, but sometimes there have been issues with X11/SSH and it’s nice to know an alternative. This quick how-to is meant for an Oracle DBA looking for a quick way to run GUI tools from the Oracle stack, such as runInstaller, dbca, dbua, etc.. It is not meant to serve as a step by step guide to setup a secure, reusable vncserver setup in your environment, I do however provide some additional references where you can find additional information (see the end of this post).

Lets get to it then — the good news is that vncserver should already be installed on your RHEL / OEL. All you have to do is start it up and tell it the display number like so:

[root@rac1 ~]# su - oracle
rac1.XRACP1-> vncserver :12

You will require a password to access your desktops.


New 'rac1.mydomain.com:12 (oracle)' desktop is rac1.mydomain.com:12

Creating default startup script /u01/app/oracle/.vnc/xstartup
Starting applications specified in /u01/app/oracle/.vnc/xstartup
Log file is/u01/app/oracle/.vnc/rac1.mydomain.com:12.log

rac1.XRACP1-> ps -ef | grep vnc
oracle   31123     1  0 13:04 pts/1    00:00:00 Xvnc :12 -desktop rac1.mydomain.com:12 (oracle) -httpd /usr/share/vnc/classes -auth /u01/app/oracle/.Xauthority -geometry 1024x768 -depth 16 -rfbwait 30000 -rfbauth /u01/app/oracle/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5912 -pn
oracle   31158     1  0 13:04 pts/1    00:00:00 vncconfig -iconic
oracle   32309 31078  0 13:05 pts/1    00:00:00 grep vnc

If you want to kill vncserver use “vncserver -kill :12” command where :12 is the display number you specified when starting it:

vncserver -kill :12

rac1.XRACP1-> ps -ef | grep vnc
oracle    9597     1  1 17:50 pts/3    00:00:00 Xvnc :12 -desktop rac1.mydomain.com:12 (oracle) -httpd /usr/share/vnc/classes -auth /u01/app/oracle/.Xauthority -geometry 1024x768 -depth 16 -rfbwait 30000 -rfbauth /u01/app/oracle/.vnc/passwd -rfbport 5912 -pn
oracle   10065     1  0 17:50 pts/3    00:00:00 vncconfig -iconic
oracle   10303  9514  0 17:50 pts/3    00:00:00 grep vnc

rac1.XRACP1-> vncserver -kill :12
Killing Xvnc process ID 9597

rac1.XRACP1-> ps -ef | grep vnc
oracle   14396  9514  0 17:52 pts/3    00:00:00 grep vnc

That’s all to it, next you can access the display via http://host:58XX where XX is the screen number you specified when starting the vncserver:


Note: 551711.1 Linux OS Service ‘vncserver’
Note: 735767.1 How to Setup VNC Server with Clipboard Support on RHEL/OEL
APRESS Book: Linux Recipes for Oracle DBAs

September 16, 2009

Posted In: Linux, Operations


11gR2 clients connect to the database using SCANs

If you’ve extended your RAC cluster on a set of new nodes you already know how painful it can be to have to go through the list of your clients and make sure their SQL*Net configuration is up to date. 11gR2 solves this problem using Single Client Access Name (SCAN).

The single client access name (SCAN) is a hostname used to provide service access for clients to the cluster. Because the SCAN is associated with the cluster as a whole, rather than to a particular node, the SCAN makes it possible to add or remove nodes from the cluster without needing to reconfigure clients. It also adds location independence for the databases, so that client configuration does not have to depend on which nodes are running a particular database. Clients can continue to access the cluster in the same way as with previous releases, but Oracle recommends that clients accessing the cluster use the SCAN.

Reference: IP Address Requirements

How is SCAN implemented?

For high availability purposes the SCAN name should be associated with at least three IP addresses using DNS round-robin resolution. If you opt to use Grid Naming Service then GNS can also be used to manage the SCAN name.

SCAN is configured at a cluster level not at the node level, that’s what makes it so flexible — no mater how many nodes your clusters consists of, your clients can continue to use SCAN to access the services of your cluster utilizing all nodes even if you add or delete them:

The SCAN is a virtual IP name, similar to the names used for virtual IP addresses, such as node1-vip. However, unlike a virtual IP, the SCAN is associated with the entire cluster, rather than an individual node, and associated with multiple IP addresses, not just one address.

SCAN works as an independent handler for the entire cluster — it acts on client’s behalf during connection request since it knows all cluster services and it’s available, least loaded nodes:

The SCAN works by being able to resolve to multiple IP addresses reflecting multiple listeners in the cluster handling public client connections. When a client submits a request, the SCAN listener listening on a SCAN IP address and the SCAN port is contracted on a client’s behalf. Because all services on the cluster are registered with the SCAN listener, the SCAN listener replies with the address of the local listener on the least-loaded node where the service is currently being offered. Finally, the client establishes connection to the service through the listener on the node where service is offered. All of these actions take place transparently to the client without any explicit configuration required in the client.

Bottom line – use SCAN – it simplifies cluster management:

Because the SCAN addresses resolve to the cluster, rather than to a node address in the cluster, nodes can be added to or removed from the cluster without affecting the SCAN address configuration.

Reference: D.1.3.5 About the SCAN

If you found this article helpful and would like to receive more like it as soon as I release them make sure to sign up to my newsletter below:


September 10, 2009

Posted In: RAC

Tags: , , ,

11gR2 – raw and block devices – no longer supported

I was just reading up on the 11gR2 documentation for Grid Infrastructure Installation and finally we have a closure on the topic of RAW and BLOCK devices for OCR and VOTING disks:

With this release, OUI no longer supports installation of Oracle Clusterware files on block or raw devices. Install Oracle Clusterware files either on Automatic Storage Management diskgroups, or in a supported shared file system.

For new installations, OCR and voting disk files can be placed either on ASM, or on a cluster file system or NFS system. Installing Oracle Clusterware files on raw or block devices is no longer supported, unless an existing system is being upgraded.

REFERENCE: What’s New in Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation and Configuration?

Perfect timing! I was just mulling over what to do with OCR/VOTING on my upcoming SAN-based RAC install — now it’s clear — use 11gR2 and store them on ASM.

September 10, 2009

Posted In: RAC

Tags: , ,

11gR2 is here!

In case you didn’t get this via oracle.com news updates — 11gR2 is out and available for download from here ….

And as I have predicted, the first distro is Linux x86 and Linux x86-64. So if you are a die-hard Solaris fan it should now be obvious (if it wasn’t already) that Linux is now officially the preferred platform (as Solaris once was but no longer is).

I actually wasn’t expecting this in September — I thought it was going to get announced closer to Oracle Open World but I am not complaining here :)

September 10, 2009

Posted In: Linux

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Installing Oracle instantclient basic and instantclient sqlplus on win32

Sometimes basic things like installing the latest Oracle instantclient on the PCs of all of your developers can take considerable time. I typically setup a dedicated DBA Portal website wherever I work and then write up instructions for repetitive things like these. It’s all about – do it once and forget it. Here’s the copy of the writeup I did to install the latest 11g Oracle instantclient basic and instantclient sqlplus on win32:

Download Software

Go to Instant Client Downloads for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) download page:


And download basic-win32 and sqlplus-win32 files to your PC (for example):

  • instantclient-basic-win32-
  • instantclient-sqlplus-win32-

Create Oracle Directory

Create a C:\oracle directory on your C drive (if you don’t already have one) and move both files into C:\oracle.

Unzip both files

  1. first unzip instantclient-basic-win32-
  2. then unzip instantclient-sqlplus-win32-

to unzip:

  • right click on file
  • point to WinZip
  • Click Extract to here …

End result should be a new folder called instantclient_11_1 in your C:\oracle:


Setup your system %PATH% and %TNS_ADMIN% variables

  • In Windows explorer LEFT pane, right click on My Computer icon and click Properties
  • Click Advanced tab
  • Click Environment variables button:

Environment variables button

In the System Variables panel select Path variable and click Edit button:

System Variables/Path

In the Variable Value field paste the following: C:\oracle\instantclient_11_1. Make sure it’s before all other path values that point to your OLD Oracle clients, then clickOk

Variable Value

Now find a variable called TNS_ADMIN – it could be in either panel (System / User), if you don’t have such variable, create it in the User panel by clicking New:

Variable Name: TNS_ADMIN
Variable Value: C:\oracle\instantclient_11_1

Click Ok

TNS_ADMIN Variable Win

  • Now click Ok on the Environment Variables screen
  • and click Ok on the System Properties window to close it

Setup tnsnames.ora file

If you already have an existing copy of tnsnames.ora file then place it to:


If you don’t – then create a new tnsnames.ora file, for example:

    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = vip-qarac1)(PORT = 1521))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = vip-qarac2)(PORT = 1521))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = vip-qarac4)(PORT = 1521))
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = vip-qarac3)(PORT = 1521))
    (LOAD_BALANCE = yes)
        (TYPE = SELECT)
        (METHOD = BASIC)
        (RETRIES = 180)
        (DELAY = 5)

Test 11g client by running sqlplus

  • Open a new CMD window by going to Start->Run
  • In the Run Window type in: cmd and press Ok:

in the CMD window’s prompt – enter the following: sqlplus user/pass@TNS_ALIAS where:

user:      is the database username given to you by the DBA
pass:      is the database password given to you by the DBA
TNS_ALIAS: The alias you setup in the tnsnames.ora file


C:\>sqlplus xxx/xxxxxxxx@XRACQ_MYSERVICE_TAF

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Aug 26 16:24:23 2009

Copyright (c) 1982, 2008, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP, Data Mining
and Real Application Testing options


Known Errors:

If you get the ORA-12705 error while running sqlplus:

C:\>sqlplus xxxxxx/xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxxx

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Aug 26 16:58:33 2009

Copyright (c) 1982, 2008, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified

Enter user-name:

Here’s the solution:

To fix the ORA-12705: Cannot access NLS data files or invalid environment specified error, go to your registry editor (run regedit from Start->Run) and then:

  • Navigate to Windows Registry in \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE
  • Remove the NLS_LANG from there (select it and delete)

Re-run the sqlplus test to make sure it works (you will need to open a new CMD window for the registry changes to take place).

Bonus PDF

If you’d like to get a copy of this article in an easy to share PDF – please sign up for my newsletter – Confessions of an Oracle DBA where I share tips, scripts and tricks I’ve learned during almost two decades in the tech field as an Oracle DBA:


Additional Resources

  1. If you have any additional questions please join our Oracle DBA Community and post them there.
  2. And if you need any further Oracle DBA help – I can be reached at: http://www.hashjoin.com/contact


August 26, 2009

Posted In: Operations

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Using Flashback Database to strengthen Data Guard Setup

MAA recommends to enable Flashback Database on the primary prior to FailOver:

Enable Flashback Database to reinstate failed production databases after a
failover operation has completed. Flashback Database provides a second
very significant function, enabling fast point in time recovery if needed.

See: MAA_WP_10gR2_SwitchoverFailoverBestPractices.pdf

Enabling Flashback Database involves setting up flash recovery area and setting a flashback retention target which specifies how far back you want to be able to restore your database using the Flashback Database feature.

Once Flashback Database is setup, the database starts to copy images of each altered block into the flashback logs — this works for all datafiles. When it’s time to Flashback the database, the copies of the blocks from flashback logs are used to reconstruct the datafiles to a state just prior to the desired flashback time, the redo/arch logs are then used to bring a datafiles to a consistent state.

Redo logs must be available for the entire time period spanned by the
flashback logs, whether on tape or on disk. (In practice, however, redo
logs are generally needed much longer than the flashback retention target
to support point-in-time recovery.)

There are also a number of operations you can perform on your database, such
as dropping a tablespace or shrinking a datafile, which cannot be reversed
with Flashback Database. After such an operation, the flashback database
window begins at the time immediately following that operation.

One thing to consider is that the only way to guarantee a database can be returned to a specific point in time is to use guaranteed restore points. In other words, don’t use “normal” restore points for this purpose and don’t rely on Flashback Database alone. The only constraint to how far you can go back, is the size of your disk space in the flash recovery area.

Limitations that apply to Flashback Database also apply to guaranteed
restore points. For example, shrinking a datafile or dropping a tablespace
can prevent flashing back the affected datafiles to the guaranteed restore

Creating a guaranteed restore point without having enough sufficient free space in the flash recovery area (FRA) will cause the FRA to fill completely, that’s because “No file in the flash recovery area is eligible for deletion if it is required to satisfy the guarantee [restore point]“. In many circumstances, this will cause your database to halt.

To save on space in FRA you can disable the Flashback Database and still create a guaranteed restore point. In this case, the first time a datafile block is modified, an image of this block before the modification is stored in the flashback logs. This saves on space because only one-time copy of every changed data block is stored there, but subsequent modifications to the same block do not cause the block contents to be logged again. This method works really well and it’s more efficient as long as your primary only needs to be able to return to the specific point in time at which the guaranteed restore point was created, such as to a before-state of a failed application upgrade that might have made changes to a database.

See: 5.1.1 About Flashback Database

That’s theory, how about some practice time? Follow along. First, we verify our setup (in this case no FRA [db_recovery_file_dest] is setup:

rac1.XRACP1-> sqlplus /nolog

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Jun 12 19:25:07 2009

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

SQL> connect / as sysdba
SQL>    select * from v$recovery_file_dest;

no rows selected

SQL> show parameter recovery

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
db_recovery_file_dest                string
db_recovery_file_dest_size           big integer 0
recovery_parallelism                 integer     0
SQL> select * from v$flash_recovery_area_usage;

no rows selected


Lets create FRA (NOTE: since this is a RAC database, I am creating FRA on a clustered FS (OCFS2) /u02):

[root@rac1 log]# mkdir -p /u02/oradata/rcv_area
[root@rac1 log]# chown -R oracle:dba /u02/oradata

rac1.XRACP1-> df -k /u02
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
                      37899136   1971200  35927936   6% /u02

SQL> alter system set db_recovery_file_dest_size=28g scope=both sid='*';

System altered.

SQL> alter system set db_recovery_file_dest='/u02/oradata/rcv_area' scope=both sid='*';

System altered.


SQL> set lines 132
SQL> col name format a35
SQL> set trims on
SQL> select * from v$recovery_file_dest;

----------------------------------- ----------- ---------- ----------------- ---------------
/u02/oradata/rcv_area                3.0065E+10          0                 0               0

SQL> select * from v$flash_recovery_area_usage;

------------ ------------------ ------------------------- ---------------
CONTROLFILE                   0                         0               0
ONLINELOG                     0                         0               0
ARCHIVELOG                    0                         0               0
BACKUPPIECE                   0                         0               0
IMAGECOPY                     0                         0               0
FLASHBACKLOG                  0                         0               0

6 rows selected.


So far we setup the FRA, now lets try to create guaranteed restore point. One thing to remember here though is this — if flashback database is not enabled (to save on space), then the database must be mounted, not open, when creating the first guaranteed restore point (or if all previously created guaranteed restore points have been dropped). If you attempt to create a guaranteed restore point when the database is opened you get ORA-38787 error:

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-38784: Cannot create restore point 'GR_01'.
ORA-38787: Creating the first guaranteed restore point requires mount mode when flashback database is off.

A normal restore point however, works, but it will not do anything since flashback database is off, here’s an example:

SQL> !ls -l /u02/oradata/rcv_area
total 0


Restore point created.

SQL> !ls -l /u02/oradata/rcv_area
total 0

SQL> create table xyz(t number) tablespace tools;

Table created.

SQL> !ls -l /u02/oradata/rcv_area
total 0

SQL> insert into xyz values (1000);

1 row created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> !ls -l /u02/oradata/rcv_area
total 0


As you can see nothing happened … even though a normal restore point is created. Lets drop it (this syntax works for both NORMAL and GUARANTEED RPs):

SQL> drop restore point nr_01;

Restore point dropped.

  2    3
no rows selected

Now lets create GUARANTEED restore point WITHOUT enabling FLASHBACK DATABASE which requires database to be mounted only, and since this is RAC database all other instances must be shutdown first as well:

rac1.XRACP1-> srvctl stop database -d XRACP
rac1.XRACP1-> sqlplus /nolog

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Jun 12 20:01:53 2009

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

SQL> connect / as sysdba
Connected to an idle instance.
SQL> startup mount;
ORACLE instance started.

Total System Global Area 1610612736 bytes
Fixed Size                  2084296 bytes
Variable Size             822084152 bytes
Database Buffers          771751936 bytes
Redo Buffers               14692352 bytes
Database mounted.

Restore point created.

SQL> shutdown immediate;
ORA-01109: database not open

Database dismounted.
ORACLE instance shut down.
SQL> exit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, OLAP, Data Mining
and Real Application Testing options
rac1.XRACP1-> srvctl start database -d XRACP
rac1.XRACP1-> srvctl start service -d XRACP

Now lets see what we can gather from V$RESTORE_POINT:

SQL> col name format a15
col time format a35
set lines 132
set trims on
  2    3
NAME                   SCN TIME                                DATABASE_INCARNATION# GUA STORAGE_SIZE
--------------- ---------- ----------------------------------- --------------------- --- ------------
GR_01           9.0317E+12 12-JUN-09 PM                         1 YES     63766528


rac1.XRACP1-> find /u02/oradata/rcv_area -ls
5161314    4 drwxr-xr-x   3 oracle   dba          4096 Jun 12 20:02 /u02/oradata/rcv_area
5161316    4 drwxr-x---   3 oracle   oinstall     4096 Jun 12 20:02 /u02/oradata/rcv_area/XRACP
5161317    4 drwxr-x---   2 oracle   oinstall     4096 Jun 12 20:03 /u02/oradata/rcv_area/XRACP/flashback
5161318 15576 -rw-r-----   1 oracle   oinstall 15949824 Jun 12 20:04 /u02/oradata/rcv_area/XRACP/flashback/o1_mf_5365ov16_.flb
237846 15576 -rw-rw----   1 oracle   oinstall 15949824 Jun 12 20:03 /u02/oradata/rcv_area/XRACP/flashback/o1_mf_5365qm48_.flb
4128929 15576 -rw-rw----   1 oracle   oinstall 15949824 Jun 12 20:03 /u02/oradata/rcv_area/XRACP/flashback/o1_mf_5365qtxy_.flb
7227425 15576 -rw-rw----   1 oracle   oinstall 15949824 Jun 12 20:03 /u02/oradata/rcv_area/XRACP/flashback/o1_mf_5365qtyd_.flb

Much better now — it is working, and a few days later:

SQL> !date;ls -l /u02/oradata/rcv_area/XRACP/flashback
Mon Jun 15 15:02:17 PDT 2009
total 358248
-rw-r-----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 13 04:00 o1_mf_5365ov16_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 12 20:03 o1_mf_5365qm48_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 12 20:03 o1_mf_5365qtxy_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 12 20:03 o1_mf_5365qtyd_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 12 22:00 o1_mf_536dm0jm_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 12 22:01 o1_mf_536dmnxj_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 13 02:00 o1_mf_536dntxs_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 12 23:03 o1_mf_536j9b8b_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 12 23:28 o1_mf_536j9jvj_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 13 06:00 o1_mf_536kqnmf_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 13 15:10 o1_mf_536tnpky_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 13 21:00 o1_mf_5371or32_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 13 23:03 o1_mf_5378qrx2_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 14 12:00 o1_mf_537m8tox_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 14 07:33 o1_mf_5388yvsd_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 14 19:00 o1_mf_538xgm1v_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 14 02:00 o1_mf_5394pdx7_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 14 23:04 o1_mf_539h0tcs_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 15 04:00 o1_mf_53b2lorr_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 15 15:00 o1_mf_53bl5v8y_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 15 15:00 o1_mf_53cbs5hs_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 15 15:00 o1_mf_53cs3y00_.flb
-rw-rw----  1 oracle oinstall 15949824 Jun 15 15:00 o1_mf_53dbfmx5_.flb

              FROM V$RESTORE_POINT;  2    3

NAME                   SCN TIME                                DATABASE_INCARNATION# GUA STORAGE_SIZE
--------------- ---------- ----------------------------------- --------------------- --- ------------
GR_01           9.0317E+12 12-JUN-09 PM                         1 YES    366657536

SQL> select * from v$flash_recovery_area_usage;

------------ ------------------ ------------------------- ---------------
CONTROLFILE                   0                         0               0
ONLINELOG                     0                         0               0
ARCHIVELOG                    0                         0               0
BACKUPPIECE                   0                         0               0
IMAGECOPY                     0                         0               0
FLASHBACKLOG               1.22                         0              23

6 rows selected.


And that’s how you create a guaranteed restore point. But what do you use it for, with regards to STANDBY FAILOVER? You really shouldn’t, because you don’t know when a FAILOVER occurs so you can’t create a point right before it. You should however, use a guaranteed restore point during a SWITCHOVER because during a switchover you are in full control of both primary and standby databases. In a FAILOVER scenario, enabling Flashback Database [ ALTER DATABASE FLASHBACK ON; ] is more effective than trying to create guaranteed restore points.

Still have questions? Here are pointers to additional reading with excerpts:

From Note:565535.1 titled “Flashback Database Best Practices & Performance”:

Manual primary database reinstate- if Data Guard is being used without the
fast-start failover feature and a Data Guard failover is necessary, then
flashback database can be used to manually reinstate the failed primary
database. This is documented in the Data Guard Administration and Concepts
guide – see “12.4 Using Flashback Database After a Failover” here:

And from 12.4 Using Flashback Database After a Failover:

After a failover occurs, the original primary database can no longer
participate in the Data Guard configuration until it is repaired and
established as a standby database in the new configuration. To do
this, you can use the Flashback Database feature to recover the
failed primary database to a point in time before the failover
occurred, and then convert it into a physical or logical standby
database in the new configuration.

August 22, 2009

Posted In: Data Guard, RAC

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Data Guard — it’s real it’s Oracle, you know what you’ve got!

Data Guard — it’s real it’s Oracle, you know what you’ve got!” said Joe Meeks (Director of High Availability Product Management at Oracle) in his closing statement during the Live Webcast presentation titled “Maximize Availability with Oracle Database 11g” held today.

The focus of this presentation was on “Active Data Guard Option” of Oracle 11g. In one sentence — Active Data Guard Option lets you open your Physical Standby database READ-Only all while redo-apply is taking place from primary. In contrast, in 10g, redo-apply halted when physical standby was opened READ-Only, the redo transportation was still taking place but it was not being applied in 10g. 11g bridges this gap and it does so very efficiently — as Joe Meeks said “With 11gR2 Active Data Guard – we are confident that latency is very low”.

Data Guard != ZERO Downtime because rolling upgrade still requires downtime. For example, according to Joe’s recollection of a major upgrade at UPS — their downtime going from 10g to 11g took ~ 4 minutes. To get ZERO downtime you must design your application around Oracle Streams.

In contrast to Data Guard, which uses media recovery (block by block), Oracle Streams are building logical change records using SQL. Steams are providing full featured replication features at your disposal, for example you can:

  • replicate a subset of database
  • perform transformations
  • replicate across platforms
  • setup multimaster replications
  • replicate to a database and have it replicate different subsets of data out

Data Guard is simpler, one way replication — focused on DR using media recovery process (time tested process). Physical Standby is very horizontal, transparent to the storage and application.

PS: Active Data Guard is only available for Physical Standby (block by block changes) and it requires an additional license.

August 19, 2009

Posted In: Data Guard

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